Garden Planning: Seeds and Plants I am Growing in 2024

After pouring over seed catalogues these past few weeks and after organizing my current seed collection, I have selected the seeds and plants that I will be growing in 2024! I am growing a whopping 40 varieties of seeds and installing 11 plants (shrubs, tubers, etc.) in our townhouse garden spaces. It may seem a…

New Garden Seeds & Accessories

As spring approaches, I am preparing to organize my seed collection and deciding on new plant varieties to try in my garden for the upcoming gardening season. As always, I am gardening with West Coast Seeds (affiliate link) since they have so many unique seed varieties. Not only do they carry a wide range of…

Gardening in a Townhouse- Garden Plans for 2024

In 2024 we are embarking on a journey of gardening in a townhouse. This is a big adjustment for us as we recently moved from a house that had a huge garden to townhouse with a much smaller outdoor space. While these outdoor garden spaces are much smaller, it doesn't mean that we can't grow…

Planting Summer Crops in the Kitchen Garden

Summer is just around the corner, and we have to get our gardens ready to grow! In this post (and my new YouTube video) I am going to show you all the summer crops I planted in the kitchen garden. Although spring has been on the chilly side, I am hoping that the warm weather…

Kitchen Renovation: Kitchen Cabinet & Countertop Reveal

If you have been following my home account on Instagram, (@seasonservehome) you will know that our kitchen renovation has really been making progress. In just a few weeks, we had the kitchen demolished, fireplace removed, electrical wired, and have had new drywall going up. It's been dusty, noisy, and a bit exhausting, but I am…

Embarking on Our Kitchen Renovation

If you follow me on Instagram (@seasonserveblog and @seasonservehome), you will know that we are embarking on a kitchen renovation! In today's post, I will be showing you our current kitchen and discussing the main drivers behind the kitchen renovation. I can't wait to reveal the design in a few days (both on the blog…

Spooky Outdoor Halloween Decor

Spooky season has arrived and I have our house all decorated for Halloween! 🎃👻 Although Halloween may look different this year, I am glad that we are able to still celebrate and hand out candy to kids where we live. Since it's been such a crazy year, I have decided to go all out on…